Past Life Regression Therapy


Connect to Your Soul

Across various religions and cultures, there has been a recurring observation that we have not only lived before but also have the potential to access these memories. Buddha stands out as a prominent figure who, upon achieving full awakening, demonstrated the ability to recall and connect with his past lives. For many individuals, these memories remain largely inaccessible on a conscious level, residing deep within the subconscious mind or soul. Through the practice of hypnosis, we can tap into these memories and explore the profound experiences that our souls have undergone in past lives.


How does it work?

Our past life regression sessions involve guiding you into a deep, relaxed state through hypnosis. In this profound state, you can access memories stored in your subconscious mind. The journey aims to unveil a past life that holds significance for you at this moment. Through this process, we facilitate a unique exploration, allowing you to connect with and gain insights from your past experiences. The meaningful memories that surface during your journey can provide valuable insights, understanding, and potentially contribute to your personal growth and self-discovery. 


Can anyone see their past life?

Many individuals often discover glimpses of their past lives in the first session of regression therapy. The guidance provided during hypnosis facilitates this exploration. It’s noteworthy that as you become more familiar with the experience of hypnosis, accessing past life memories tends to become more fluid and accessible. Each session builds upon the previous ones, creating a pathway for you to delve deeper into your past and gain richer insights from your own unique journey through time. 


How can I see my past life?

 It’s common for individuals undergoing past life regression to experience the memories as if they are inside the body of their past self. These memories often manifest as a combination of images, feelings, and emotions. The vividness and detail of the experiences can vary, but many people report a sense of being immersed in the past life, witnessing events, and feeling the associated emotions. This multi-sensory approach allows for a more comprehensive understanding and connection with the past life, contributing to the transformative nature of the regression experience.


Is it safe?

Absolutely. Hypnosis induces a deep, relaxing state, and it’s crucial to understand that you are always in control. At any point during the session, you can choose to come out of this state. Your subconscious mind, however, has a profound understanding of what you need and are prepared to explore during the journey. Trusting this process allows for a meaningful and insightful exploration of your past life experiences in a safe and controlled environment. 


How many lives can I see in each session?

During a past life regression session, most individuals typically experience memories from one past life. However, the depth and scope of the exploration can vary among individuals. Some may encounter multiple past lives in a single session if their soul seeks such insights. The nature of the journey is unique to each person, and the memories that surface are often those most relevant to their current life and circumstances. The process is fluid and adaptable, allowing for a personalized and enriching exploration based on the needs of the individual’s soul. 


How many sessions can I take?

The number of sessions in past life regression is entirely flexible and based on your preferences. It’s not uncommon for individuals to choose additional sessions. In subsequent sessions, some may delve into more details of the same past life they have previously seen, while others might uncover memories from different past lives. The direction of the journey is influenced by what your soul is seeking at each moment, offering a personalized and evolving exploration that aligns with your unique spiritual needs and growth. 

Past Life Regression Therapy


First Time
Past Life Regression Therapy

2 hours virtual session
including before and after consultation


Past Life Regression
(From the second session)

90 minutes virtual session
including before and after consultation

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