Reiki ~Energy Healing~

Reiki is a Japanese technique that facilitates a connection to our higher self, utilizing universal energy for healing and assistance. Its roots are believed to trace back to India, associated with Buddha and later with Jesus, and formalized by Dr. Mikao Usui in Japan in the late nineteenth century.

The term “Reiki” is of Japanese origin, where “Rei” (霊) signifies universal, and “Ki” (気) represents life force—the non-physical vitality that animates all living things. When the flow of Ki energy is high, one experiences health and enthusiasm, but when it’s low due to stress or fatigue, susceptibility to disease increases.

Reiki operates holistically, addressing the body, mind, and spirit, and serves to stimulate an individual’s innate healing capabilities. By channeling universal energy, Reiki aims to restore balance and promote well-being on multiple levels.

Transformative Reiki Healing: Restore Balance and Harmony

Reiki serves as a transformative practice by clearing blocked emotional and physical elements that may contribute to illness and disease. Its benefits are extensive:

1. Energy Flow: Promotes the unobstructed flow of energy in the body.

2. Health Improvement: Enhances overall health and well-being.

3. Relaxation and Calmness: Induces a state of relaxation and calmness.

4. Stress and Anxiety Reduction: Mitigates stress and anxiety levels.

5. Pain Reduction: Assists in reducing pain within the body.

6. Natural Healing: Accelerates the natural healing process of wounds.

7. Emotional Release: Facilitates the release of emotional wounds.

8. Negative Conditioning: Aids in changing negative conditioning and behaviors.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Reiki treatment work?


In Reiki, a practitioner acts as the channel between you and the universal life force, facilitating energy balance through hands-off energy work, even in virtual sessions. During a full Reiki treatment, the practitioner focuses on reopening energy centers known as Chakras within the body. By doing so, they aim to rebalance the flow of universal life force energy throughout the body. This process is designed to promote harmony, clear blockages, and optimize the energetic flow within your being, contributing to an overall sense of well-being and balance. Even in virtual sessions, the energetic connection and benefits of Reiki can be effectively transmitted by the practitioner.

Is Reiki safe?


Absolutely, Reiki is universal life energy in its purest form. It is accessible to all individuals who are open to receiving and integrating it into their being. When you engage with Reiki, you tap into this universal energy, accepting it and aligning yourself with its wisdom. During a Reiki session, the energy flows precisely where it is needed in your being and provides the amount necessary for your unique requirements. It operates on the principle of harmony, providing the energy and support that resonates with your specific needs in that moment.

Does virtual Reiki work?

Absolutely, one of the remarkable aspects of Reiki is its ability to transcend physical space and time. Whether you are near or far from a Reiki practitioner, and regardless of whether the session is focused on the past, present, or future, Reiki has the capacity to work beyond these dimensions. The universal life force energy harnessed in Reiki is not bound by the constraints of physical proximity or linear time, allowing for effective and transformative healing experiences even in remote or virtual sessions.

Who can be treated by Reiki?


Reiki treatment is generally safe and can be used for a wide range of individuals, including babies, children, pregnant women, and animals. However, there are a couple of exceptions:

1. Pacemaker: Individuals with a pacemaker should avoid Reiki, as it has the potential to alter the rhythm of the pacemaker.

2. Diabetes Mellitus with Insulin: For individuals with Diabetes Mellitus who are taking insulin injections, Reiki may reduce the amount of insulin required. In such cases, individuals need to be prepared to monitor their insulin levels regularly.

It’s always advisable for individuals with specific health concerns or conditions to consult with their healthcare provider before undergoing alternative therapies, including Reiki, to ensure compatibility with their overall health and treatment plans.

How many treatments are recommended?


Tailored to your unique physical and mental conditions, the effectiveness of Reiki varies. Many experiences immediate improvement after just one session.

Initial Intensive Treatment: For those seeking to enhance the flow of Reiki energy, a recommended regimen includes four consecutive days of full treatments. This approach not only stimulates the immune system but initiates a profound healing process.

Maintenance: Following the initial intensive treatment, a once-a-month Reiki session is advised to sustain a healthy energy flow and support ongoing well-being.

Can Reiki be sent off-line?

Absolutely, Reiki transcends physical constraints, allowing its healing energy to be sent anywhere, anytime, or to anyone unable to be virtually present in real time. This remote Reiki option is especially beneficial for individuals undergoing surgical treatments or those confined to a bed, ensuring that the transformative and balancing effects of Reiki reach them wherever they are. The universal nature of Reiki extends its healing touch to those in need, fostering well-being regardless of physical proximity.

Reiki Treatment Fee

Full Treatment

60 minutes real time on-line treatment including before and after consultation

Initial Intensive Treatment Package

Four 60 minutes Full-Treatments Package. Real time on-line treatment. Consecutive days treatments are recommended. 

Distant Reiki Treatment

30 minutes non-real time off-line treatment. Requires the detailed information and a picture of the person who receive the treatment.

Distant Initial Intensive Treatment Package

Four consecutive days 30 minutes Distant Reiki Healing. Requires the detailed information and a picture of the person who receive the treatment.
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