

My mission is to guide individuals towards transformative experiences using the powerful techniques of hypnosis and hypnotherapy. I am committed to revealing the inherent potential within each person, helping them unlock their true capabilities. Together, we embark on a journey of positive change and self-discovery, empowering individuals to achieve their goals and lead more fulfilling lives.


I provide a diverse range of hypnosis and hypnotherapy services tailored to meet individual needs. My offerings encompass stress reduction, anxiety and depression management, pain management, healing the inner child, trauma and PTSD support, and more. Each service is meticulously designed to foster relaxation, healing, growth, and transformation, guiding you towards a path of positive change and self-discovery.


I take a personalized approach to hypnosis and hypnotherapy, tailoring each session to your unique needs and goals. I utilize proven techniques to guide you towards success. My commitment is to provide you with a transformative experience, empowering you to achieve your desired outcomes.

Achieve Your Goals with Miyako Bee’s Hypnotherapy1

Stress Management

In your journey to manage stress, I am here as your dedicated guide and support system. Utilizing the transformative power of hypnosis, we work together to overcome stressors, nurturing a healthier mindset. Through personalized sessions, I help you effectively manage stress, empowering you to develop a more positive and resilient outlook on life. Take the initial step towards emotional well-being and allow me to be your compassionate companion in this empowering process of transformation and growth.

Anxiety and Depression

Embark on a transformative journey toward emotional well-being through my dedicated support for anxiety and depression. Harness the powerful benefits of hypnosis as we work together to overcome negative thoughts and emotions. In personalized sessions, I offer guidance in effectively managing stress and anxiety, leading you towards a path of emotional balance and a more positive perspective on life. Take charge of your mental health, reclaim control, and step into a brighter future with the empowering assistance of hypnotherapy. 

Pain Management

Embark on a holistic approach to alleviate physical discomfort, utilizing the transformative power of hypnosis. Together, we address and manage pain effectively in personalized sessions crafted to promote relaxation, enhance the mind-body connection, and empower you to experience relief. Take control of well-being and embark on a journey towards a more comfortable life.   Hypnotherapy effectively treats various issues such as back pain, migraines, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, repetitive stress injury, IBS, and more.

Heal the Inner Child

In the nurturing space I offer, we address and heal past wounds that may be influencing your present life. Harnessing the gentle power of hypnosis, we work collaboratively to reconnect with and nurture your inner child. Each session is personalized to assist you in releasing emotional burdens, fostering self-love, and promoting inner healing. Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery as we navigate the path to a more empowered and fulfilled life. Allow the guidance provided to lead you in embracing and healing your inner child for lasting positive change. 

Heal Trauma and PTSD

In the realm of hypnotherapy, a safe and nurturing environment is created for individuals seeking to overcome the effects of past traumas. Personalized sessions are crafted to address and release emotional wounds associated with traumatic experiences, fostering healing and resilience. Together, we embark on a journey towards reclaiming well-being and empowering transformation. Allow this collaborative process to guide you in building a foundation for a more fulfilling and empowered life. 

Improve ADHD Symptoms

In the realm of hypnotherapy, support is offered to individuals seeking to manage and alleviate symptoms associated with ADHD. Through personalized sessions, the focus is on enhancing attention, focus, self-esteem, self-control, and self-regulation. Together, we explore techniques that promote positive behavioral changes, empowering individuals to navigate daily challenges with greater ease. Allow me to be your partner on the journey to improved focus, productivity, and overall well-being.

Grief Recovery

Utilizing the transformative potential of hypnotherapy, individuals are guided through a healing and recovery process from grief. Together, we embark on a journey to explore and release emotional pain, creating a space for acceptance and resilience. Personalized sessions are designed to support you in navigating the complexities of grief, providing solace and empowering you to embrace life with renewed strength and understanding. 

Improve Sleep

 Leveraging the restorative benefits of hypnotherapy, support is provided to help you achieve a more peaceful and rejuvenating sleep. Through personalized sessions, we work together to address underlying factors contributing to sleep challenges, creating a tailored approach to enhance your sleep quality. Experience the calming effects of hypnosis as your mind is guided into a state of deep relaxation, promoting better sleep patterns and overall well-being. 

Improve Relationship

Utilizing the transformative power of hypnotherapy, the focus is on guiding you toward building stronger and more fulfilling connections. In personalized sessions, exploration into subconscious patterns and beliefs that may impact your relationships takes place. Fostering positive change at the core of your mind, we work together to enhance communication, understanding, and overall relationship satisfaction. Experience the profound effects of hypnosis as we embark on a journey to improve the quality of your relationships. 

Hypnotherapy Can Work with Anyone Six and Above2

Children (6+ years old)

For children navigating challenges in their early years, such as stress, anxiety, and self-esteem issues, I provide dedicated support to help them overcome these obstacles and reach their full potential. My holistic program not only focuses on addressing their individual needs but also includes parent conferences to ensure a collaborative and supportive approach. Together, we work to create a nurturing and empowering environment that fosters your child’s growth and development. With personalized guidance and ongoing communication, I strive to empower both you and your child to build resilience and thrive.

Teens & Young Adults

In our sessions with teens and young adults, I focus on guiding them through the challenges of transitioning from childhood to adulthood. This sensitive age group often grapples with complex emotional and physical issues that can impact their future. Through tailored hypnotherapy sessions, I aim to help them overcome challenges, find their identities, and build a foundation for a positive future. Together, we navigate the complexities of this transformative stage, fostering personal growth and resilience.

Middle-Aged Adults


Unlock the transformative power of hypnotherapy tailored for individuals in their midlife journey. Our services are designed to address common challenges faced by middle-aged adults, such as managing stress, navigating career transitions, and enhancing overall well-being. Experience personalized sessions that guide you towards balance, resilience, and a renewed sense of purpose. Take control of your midlife narrative and embrace positive change with our targeted hypnotherapy solutions.

Parents & Caregivers

Parents and caregivers often put the needs of others first, often neglecting their own mental and physical health. My sessions are specially designed to prioritize their well-being, providing a space where their health and happiness take center stage. I understand the unique challenges they face daily, and my approach is tailored to meet their specific needs. Through compassionate and personalized support, I help them achieve a better balance, ensuring they receive the care and attention they deserve, which in turn promotes their overall well-being.

Veterans & Families

I am dedicated to supporting our veterans and military families through tailored hypnotherapy services designed to address your unique needs. Whether you’re managing stress, navigating life changes, or enhancing resilience, my sessions offer personalized support. I understand the sacrifices you’ve made and believe you deserve dedicated care. Let’s embark on a journey towards holistic well-being together. Take the first step towards empowerment and the well-being you deserve.


I specialize in crafting a personalized journey tailored specifically for seniors, addressing a wide spectrum of challenges including physical limitations, pain management, mobility issues, health concerns, motivation, and emotional well-being. With dedicated support, I aim to foster deep relaxation, help overcome obstacles, and empower seniors to achieve their goals, promoting a life filled with fulfillment and well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a form of therapeutic intervention that utilizes hypnosis to help individuals achieve positive changes in their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It involves the use of guided relaxation, focused attention, and heightened suggestibility to access the subconscious mind, where deep-seated beliefs and patterns are stored.

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a therapeutic technique that induces a heightened state of focused attention, heightened suggestibility, and deep relaxation. In this altered state of consciousness, often referred to as a trance, individuals become more open to positive suggestions and imagery, allowing for changes in perceptions, behaviors, and sensations.

What conditions can Hypnotherapy help with?

Hypnotherapy can help with a wide range of issues, including anxiety, depression, phobias, addiction, weight loss, and more. Some medical conditions require doctor’s referral or acknowledgement. Contact me to discuss your specific needs.

What the Hypnosis feel like?

Hypnosis is a natural state of mind that many people enter spontaneously in everyday life (e.g., daydreaming). During a hypnotherapy section, you feel calm, relaxed, and peaceful, and many people describe it as the feeling they get right before falling asleep at night.

It is possible to be controlled while in Hypnosis?

No. A Hypnotherapist cannot control you or make you do something you do not want to do. You retain control and will not do anything against your values or beliefs. If a Hypnotherapist were to suggest something that you do not agree with, you could reject it.

Some people might question about stage hypnosis where people seem to be controlled. Participants volunteer for entertainment purposes and are aware they will be part of a show, so they are “willing” to be controlled by stage hypnotist. While both involve inducing a hypnotic state, the intentions and applications of stage hypnosis and hypnotherapy differ significantly. Hypnotherapy is a valuable tool for self-improvement and addressing various psychological and emotional challenges.

Is Hypnosis magic?

Hypnotherapy is not magic in the sense of supernatural or mystical powers. Instead, it is a therapeutic technique grounded in psychological principles and the understanding of the subconscious mind. Hypnotherapy involves guiding individuals into a state of deep relaxation and heightened suggestibility, known as hypnosis, to access and influence the subconscious mind.

In the collaborative process of hypnotherapy, it’s crucial to understand that it’s a “to do with” journey. While the hypnotherapist provides support, guiding you towards your goals, your active willingness and commitment to embrace positive changes play a vital role in the transformative process.

How many sessions are needed?

The number of hypnotherapy sessions needed can vary depending on the individual, the issue being addressed, and the goals of the therapy. While some people may experience positive changes after just one session, many people feel more profound changes and lasting results from multiple sessions.

I offer a six-session package with significant savings for limited time. This package is designed with the understanding that many individuals experience substantial positive changes within six sessions, and your commitment plays a crucial role in the transformative process.

What is the recommended frequency?

The recommended frequency of hypnotherapy sessions depends on individual needs and goals. In general, clients often benefit from regular sessions, especially initially. Weekly or bi-weekly sessions may be recommended to build momentum and address specific concerns. As progress is made, the frequency may be adjusted to monthly sessions or as needed. The goal is to create a tailored plan that aligns with the client’s progress and objectives.

What is advised after successfully overcoming challenges?

Incorporating monthly or periodical sessions can serve as a valuable tool for self-care. These regular sessions provide a consistent and dedicated space for reflection, rejuvenation, and personal growth. By establishing a routine of self-care through ongoing sessions, you can enhance your overall well-being, promote mental and emotional balance, and foster a deeper connection with yourself. Consider these sessions as an investment in your long-term health and self-nurturing practices.

What My Clients Are Saying About Me

Hypnotherapy Session Fees


First Intake Session

75-minute session


Regular Session

60-minute session


Six Sessions Package3

Six 60-minute sessions
(10% discount)


Smoking Cessation Package

2-hour first session &
two 1-hour sessions

Take Action Now

Unlock your potential and transform your life today!

Don’t wait any longer. Take action today and embark on an exciting journey to achieve your goals. Let me guide you through the process and help you unleash your true potential.

  1. Some medical conditions require doctor’s referral or acknowledgement. Contact me to discuss your specific needs. ↩︎
  2. Hypnotherapy is generally effective for individuals aged 6 and above, but effectiveness may vary depending on individual circumstances and needs. Additionally, parental or legal guardians’ consent is required for individuals 17 years old or under. Please consult for further details. ↩︎
  3. Valid for six months from the date of purchase. ↩︎
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